Best way to Get Rid Eczema on Lips

In general, eczema is a very uncomfortable skin condition because it can cause red, itchy patches throughout your body. Eczema on lips is probably the most irritating and distressing type of dermatitis because it causes severe itchiness of the lips. It can leave lips cracked, dry, and sometimes even with a thick, yellow crust. If you are suffering from this condition, you can always use effective treatments for eczema on lips to reduce its symptoms and speed up the healing of lesions.

Causes of this skin infection

Many factors can cause this eczema like hereditary reasons, different types of skin allergies, hormonal imbalances, excessive use of antibiotics and other prescription medications. Some processed foods and artificial food products can also cause your skin irritation and itchiness. Your lips can affect from any of these factors. Unhealthy diet and addiction can also affect your lips.

Symptoms of Eczema on Lips

Eczema is a skin condition that can affect any part of the body, including the lips. The symptoms of eczema on lips can include redness, puffiness, dryness, cracking and itching. In extreme cases, there may be swelling and oozing of pus around the lips.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. There is no cure for eczema, but there are treatments that can help control the symptoms.

Natural Treatments for Eczema on Lips

1. Use quality shea butter and Vaseline lip balm

You can start curing lip eczema by using Shea butter to keep your skin moisturized. Pure forms of Shea butter are usually included in lip balms so you can conveniently apply them to your skin. It is also advisable to use Shea butter as often as possible to prevent your lips from crusting, drying and cracking.

Vaseline is also a great way to treat eczema. By applying it to affected area as often as you can, you can keep your skin moisturized and prevent your lips from cracking.

2. Avoid skin allergens

Skin allergens are substances that can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. If you have eczema on your lips, it’s important to avoid any known skin allergens. This includes things like cosmetics, fragrances, and other personal care products. It’s also important to avoid contact with environmental allergens like pollen or pet dander. For people with eczema, exposure to skin allergens can trigger inflammation and worsen symptoms.

Don’t expose your skin in the sunlight for longer period. Don’t use inorganic and scented deodorants, shampoos and bath soaps. They can increase your skin irritation and lips swelling. Use only organic natural beauty products whenever possible.

3. Follow healthy diet

A good exercise routine which contains yoga and meditation can increase your natural disease prevention ability. Include green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Some specific foods that are beneficial for people with eczema include salmon, nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, berries, and tomatoes. These foods are high in omega-3 fatty acids which help to keep your skin moisturized and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, eating a balanced diet will ensure that you’re getting all of the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, which can also help improve your overall complexion, including reducing any redness or irritation associated with Eczema.

Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily. This will help to cleanse your body properly. Get rid of your alcohol drinking and smoking. This can cause severe skin irritations for your lips and can worsen your eczema.

4. Follow alternative natural treatments

Take help of holistic approach to cure eczema permanently. These natural treatments can cure the root cause of your infection and can provide you a permanent relief from your skin infection.

5. Essential oils and corticosteroids

Essential oils such as chamomile and lavender possess soothing and healing ingredients that are perfect for lip eczema. Instead of attempting to apply essential oils directly to your lips, you have to try looking for lip balms that contain moisturizing ingredients. On the other hand,

corticosteroids are also great for curing dermatitis because they can reduce inflammation and itching. To prevent further skin damage, you should stick to corticosteroids that were specifically formulated for the lips.

6. Use organic cosmetic products

Eczema is usually caused by allergic reactions to makeup, soaps, facial cleansers, and shampoos that contain harsh chemicals. To avoid eczema on lips, you have to consider using brands that only use natural ingredients for their products. Always steer clear of any product that contains parabens or sodium laurel sulphate, which are both known for triggering and aggravating the symptoms of eczema.

7. Stop scratching

Avoid touching your mouth and lips. Never attempt to lick, rub, or scratch your lips. Vigorous scratching will break your skin and lead to nasty infections. Licking can also irritate your skin and dry out your lips further. No matter how itchy your lips get, never resort to scratching it. Use mild moisturizers or lip balms and place an ice pack or cold press against the affected area to stop the itching.

The painful and itchy rashes on your lips will not really go away if you start scratching them. Asthma, hay fever, and allergies may also worsen the symptoms of lip eczema. Although there is no known cure for this skin condition, you can always use the aforementioned tips to keep its stubborn symptoms at bay.


Eczema on lips can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition, but there are ways to manage it. The best way to treat eczema is to identify the triggers and avoid them. If you can’t identify the triggers, your doctor may prescribe a topical cream or ointment. In some cases, oral medications may also be prescribed. It’s important to keep your lips moisturized at all times, especially when they are cracked or bleeding. You can use lip balm or petroleum jelly regularly throughout the day. If your eczema is severe, you may need to see a dermatologist for specialized treatment.


Nancy Borchert

Nancy Borchert

Nancy is a beauty writer and editor. I have been in the industry since 2015 and have loved every minute of it!

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