Cough Variant Asthma is a type of asthma that gets its name from its only symptom. With other types of asthma there is a set of asthma symptoms that are very typical. The difference with all asthma types is not usually in what symptoms you have, but what causes those symptoms. However, there is no typical list of causes, even for the same type of asthma.
Cough Variant Asthma Is Different
Instead of the usual four symptoms, with cough variant asthma coughing is the only symptom. And instead of the usual asthma cough, this cough is a very dry cough with no mucus being expelled. This cough can also last for a long time, perhaps for many weeks. It can also be a loud cough, what is called a barking cough. Since there are no other symptoms like wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath, this type of asthma often goes undiagnosed.
What is Cough Variant Asthma
Having any type of asthma, such as cough variant asthma, means that your airways or breathing tubes going to your lungs are very sensitive to specific things. These things are called your asthma triggers. Coming into contact with any of these things will cause your airways to get really upset. And when the airways of a person with asthma get upset, there is a very predictable list of things that usually happen.
- There is swelling on the inside of your airways which makes them smaller.
- The muscles on the outside of your airways try to squeeze the airways shut, making them even smaller.
- The inside of your airways create gunk (phlegm or mucus are other words used) which clogs up the airways even more.
With cough variant asthma, your airways do get irritated but not with the same results. They don’t become so small so that you have trouble breathing and the muscles around the airways don’t appear to tighten up so you don’t feel the tightness in the chest. There is also no gunk being produced inside of the airways. The only symptom is the very persistent cough.
Cough Variant Asthma Triggers

If you have cough variant asthma, your asthma causes or triggers responsible for your chronic cough are similar to the triggers for other types of asthma. If you have asthma, you will have your own personal list of things that your airways really hate. If you come in contact with or do any of those things on your list, your airways will get really irritated. In the case of cough variant asthma, the result will be your chronic cough.
The following things are a partial list of possible asthma triggers that might be on your list:
- Specific foods – could pretty much be anything
- Different types of air pollution
- Aerosol sprays – like hair spray or deodorants, etc.
- Pet dander – all pets give off dander
- Cockroach droppings
- Dust mites – in your bedding, carpets, etc.
- Allergens – like grass or pollen, etc.
- Mold – both indoor and outdoor
- Smoke – all types
- Weather – could be certain types of weather or changes in the weather
- Stress – or other strong emotions
- and the list goes on
Anything on the above list could could be one of your cough variant asthma triggers. In fact, you could have any number of those things on your list. You might even have a trigger that is not on that list. Everybody has their own list and the way that you are affected by something on the list will be different from the way that it affects somebody else. Some people with asthma have their airways get irritated all the time while others only see the problem every once in awhile.
Cough variant asthma is a very serious condition and the number of people that have it is actually going up despite the billions being spent on prescription medications.
Cough Variant Asthma Symptoms
Cough Variant Asthma Symptoms (CVAS) is a type of asthma that is not as common as the traditional form of asthma, but it can be just as serious. CVAS symptoms include a chronic cough that does not go away and shortness of breath. This type of asthma can also cause wheezing, chest tightness, and fatigue. If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor right away for diagnosis and treatment.
How is this Cough Variant of Asthma Diagnosed

As cough is a usual and common symptom of asthma, your provider might order spirometry to diagnose you. If a reversible obstruction is demonstrated by the spirometry, a therapeutic procedure might be started by your provider. But, asthmatics may get a normal lung examination and a ‘diagnostic trouble’ might get created by spirometry, and your doctor might suspect you to be suffering from asthma, but might be unable to prove it.
In such type of cases, a methacholine challenge testing might be preformed by your provider to demonstrate bronchial hyperresponsieness and diagnose you for asthma. If hyperresponsiveness is not produced, the chances of asthma being the cause of cough is unlikely. A complete and determinable diagnosis can be done if cough-like symptoms develop after treatment of asthma.
How Can This Be Treated
Treatment of cough variant asthma is pretty similar to that of regular asthma. Minor improvements of cough might be observed in as quick as 6 to 8 days with the use of bronchodilators,for example, Abuterol. But the completely treatment might take as long as 8 weeks after using an inhaled steriod, for example, Flovent.

If the presence of cough doesn’t get fully resolved, your provider might utilise more potential steroids, like oral prednisone. Or your provider might also conduct tests that are special to identify the presence eosinophils, which is a marker of inflmmation in your lungs. If the presence of eosinophils in your lungs is determined, Zafirlukast might be used as it has proven to be beneficial for Cough Variant Asthmatic patients.
Some patients might experience worsening of cough after using inhaled steroids as aerosols might be present in the inhaling device. Also, it is important to determine that some other disease like GERD is not be the cause of symptoms if the cough worsens.
Cough Variant Asthma is a rare but serious disease. It is often mistaken for bronchitis or pneumonia, but it is actually an asthma attack. The cough can be so severe that it can cause rib fractures. Cough Variant Asthma can also lead to other health problems, such as heart attacks and strokes.
If you think you might have Cough Variant Asthma, see your doctor right away. There are treatments available that can help control the symptoms and improve your quality of life.