Powerful Ways on How to Clean Mattress and Keep It Fresh

People usually spend so much time when cleaning mattresses. Having a comfortable and clean mattress will not only offer a good sleep, but this is also an assurance that a person has a proper healthy living and proper sanitation that will prevent him from any unwanted illness. Most people don’t know how to clean a mattress; they have to spend eight hours just by cleaning their mattress, even though there are some alternatives in cleaning the mattress without spending too much time.

Here are some ways to know how to clean mattress:

1. Protect Your Mattress

To keep the mattress always clean and free from germs, use a mattress protector. It is a piece of cloth or linen that covers the mattress. A mattress protector should always be in good quality and condition, enough to protect the mattress from further stains brought by liquid spills and body fluids. It should also be regularly

washed to thwart off dusts that have stuck onto it; thus, preventing dusts from sipping into the mattress. Mattress protector can be bought from warehouse stores, furniture shops or mattress/bedding dealers. Aside from mattress protector, a mattress bag can also be utilized as another form of covering of the mattress.

2. Change and Wash the Sheets

Change your sheets regularly to avoid the accumulation of dusts, germs and dirt. Wash the sheets with bleaching agents, and in the hottest setting on your washer to kill any tough germs. Scrub and apply stain removers to get rid of stains on the sheets. After washing,throw your sheets into the dryer for a final heating session to make sure that all the germs did not have a chance to survive and make it back to your mattress.

3. Flip Your Mattress

One way to clean your mattress is by flipping it over periodically. This helps keep the mattress in its original shape and also prevents it from accumulating too much dust or dirt over time. It’s recommend flipping your mattress every 6 months or so for best results. This can be done with two people and all depends on the size of your mattress.

4. Use Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of Soda is a neat agent to use if you want a clean mattress. Start by sprinkling generous amounts of baking soda on your bare mattress and let it sit for at least 6 hours, although leaving it in for the whole day would be better. Baking soda has the ability to draw out the dirt, stains, bad smells and even moisture, let it sit for as long as you can so it can work its magic.

Vacuum the mattress thoroughly after the wait, and do try to get all the baking soda out of the mattress, or else you will have to sleep and wake up in a bed of “snow”.

5. Use Lemon Juice or Any Citrus Base

Lemon juice is one of the most popular homemade agent for cleaning a mattress. One can use a lemon cleaner found in supermarket, or just simply mixing a half cup of lemon juice with cold water. Using a sponge or clean cloth, blot the lemon juice to the stained area. Do not rub harshly or widely the cloth to prevent the

stain from spreading more in the mattress. The sweet scent of lemon is also taken by some people as another plus point in how to clean mattress using lemons. This is very effective most especially to stains caused by urine.

6. Placed Your Mattress Outside Under the Sun

A great way to clean mattress is to place it outside under the sun every monthly or half yearly. By airing your mattress, you can get rid of bugs that manifest in damp and dark conditions. Bring your mattress outside and let it sit under the sun for about 6 hours, or more. Remember to keep your mattress dry at all times as damp mattress encourages the growth of bugs and germs!

7. Vacuum the Mattress

By using the vacuum upholstery attachment, clean all sides of the mattress to ensure that no dust mites inhabit the mattress. Dust mites are arachnids that can stick onto the bed mattress and are great contributors of indoor pollution. It can cause asthma, skin irritation and itchiness to someone who is lying on a mattress that is encroached by it. Because of these dust mites, mattresses should be cleaned as needed.

8. Use a Mattress Cleaner Solution

Use a mattress cleaner solution sold among supermarket, hardware or furniture store. There is a wide array of choices on solutions that are known to be effective in cleaning mattress. Just make sure to choose something that will not cause further stain to the mattress due to coloring solution (such as the infamous blue color in detergent liquid) mixed into the liquid cleaner.

Upholstery shampoo is also known to be effective in removing dirt and foul odors in mattress. It not only gets rid of odors and germs, it can provide your mattress with a fresh look and feel!

9. Use a Steam Cleaner

To clean a mattress with a steam cleaner, start by vacuuming it thoroughly to remove any dust or debris. Next, fill the steam cleaner’s tank with hot water and add some cleaning solution (either homemade or store-bought). Then, carefully go over the entire surface of the mattress with the steamer. Be sure to pay special attention to any areas that seem particularly dirty or stained. Allow the mattress to dry completely before using it again.

Cleaning a mattress with a steam cleaner is an easy and effective way to keep it looking and smelling fresh. It’s also one of the most thorough methods available, making it perfect for removing dirt, dust mites, and other allergens from your bedding.

10. Avoid Dirtying Your Mattress

People should avoid eating or drinking (especially wine, beer, and other alcoholic drinks) on their beds because this will increase the chances of liquid spills, which will lead to stains and bad smell of the mattress. Also, smoking is being discouraged to be done inside the bedroom because the smell of cigar will surely cling into the mattress, giving it a “cigarette smell.”

If you have pets, make sure to regularly vacuum or sweep up their hairballs and dander which can also accumulate on your mattress over time.


Maintaining a clean mattress is important for your health and well-being. Not only will it help reduce the chances of developing allergies or respiratory problems, but it also ensures that you get a good night’s sleep.

There are many ways to clean a mattress, and the method you choose will depend on your needs and preferences. Some people prefer to use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment, while others prefer to use a steam cleaner. If you have any stubborn stains or dirt, you can use diluted vinegar or baking soda as a cleaning solution.

It’s also important to keep in mind that mattresses should be rotated every few months so that they wear evenly. This will help prolong the life of your mattress and ensure that you continue to enjoy healthy sleep habits!

So why wait? Follow these tips today and keep your mattress clean and healthy!

Leona Colbert
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